What is a hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus, a procedure usually performed to treat uterine fibroids, endometriosis, gynecologic cancers, heavy periods and pelvic pain. The removal of the uterus can be combined with the removal of the cervix, fallopian tubes and/or ovaries.

Q&A: What you need to know about hysterectomy

Traditionally, a large incision in the abdomen was necessary. However, at the University of Chicago Medicine, our skilled gynecologic surgeons can usually perform hysterectomy through tiny incisions in the abdomen (laparoscopic or robotic) or through the vagina.

Alternatives to Hysterectomy

At UChicago Medicine, we are committed to individualizing treatment of fibroids, endometriosis, bleeding and pain. We want to make sure each patient considers every option in order to receive the best care.

These alternatives may include:

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