What are your hours of service?

Our clinical laboratory sections perform a broad array of testing that is critical to patient care 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. Our rigorously educated and trained technical and management staff is always available to answer your questions. The administrative offices are open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

What types of tests does UChicago Medical Laboratories perform?

We offer a broad spectrum of services, including basic diagnostic tests, microbiology testing, therapeutic drug testing, anatomic pathology, cytogenetic testing, and molecular diagnostic testing. We are the only local laboratory to offer on-site next-generation sequencing assays in a comprehensive CLIA‐certified genetic and genomic laboratory.

What are your turnaround times?

Routine tests are “non-stat” tests and include special requests. Most routine results are available within eight hours. The turnaround time is defined as the time from when the sample is received in the laboratory to the time the result is available (either in 4Medica or by telephone/fax). Although the laboratories try to maintain the turnaround times summarized below, be aware that exceptions due to instrument or computer downtime or specimen problems (e.g., necessary dilution) may occur. In addition, in many laboratories the turnaround time is dependent upon the time of day that the specimen is received. Turnaround times for specific tests may be found in the Test Catalog.

What is 4Medica?

4Medica is a secure login lab portal that allows physicians to order and review their patient’s test results anytime, anywhere, and usually within 24 hours of testing. This system is HIPAA-compliant and helps streamline the entire laboratory care process—from scheduling appointments to the delivery of diagnostic data.

What are the benefits of signing up for 4Medica?

4Medica software is a state-of-the-art, cloud-based, secure technology platform that centralizes patient data from multiple sources to one location, allowing connectivity between the patient and authorized physicians, laboratories, hospitals, clinics, and other related professionals.

How do I sign up for 4Medica?

To request a 4Medica demo, please call or email Laboratory Outreach Manager Venessa Gamboa at 312-213-5441 or Venessa.Gamboa@uchospitals.edu.

What couriers does UChicago Medical Laboratories use to transport specimens?

UChicago Medical Laboratories maintains independent contractor relationships with both a local and a global carrier. For specimen transportation less than 50 miles from our facilities, we use US Messenger. For transportation greater than 50 miles, we use FedEx Questions please contact Laboratory Outreach Manager at 312-213-5441 or Venessa.Gamboa@uchospitals.edu.