Gynecological Pathology
Gynecologic pathology includes surgical resections, biopsies, and cytological interpretations relating to the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes and ovaries, as well as the surrounding anatomic structures. Our experts are at the forefront of the field and use a variety of immunohistochemical and molecular testing to determine even the most difficult diagnoses.
For additional information, or if you have specific questions, please contact Customer Service, and one of our client service representatives would be happy to help you.
- Cervix biopsy
- Consultation on prepared slides/blocks
- Endometrial biopsy
- HPV genotyping (16/18/non-16,18)
- Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Nucleic Acid Amplification (GEN-PROBE)
- Cytology, Urinary
- High Risk HPV Probe Assay
- PAP Smear or Thin Prep PAP Test, Diagnostic
- Surgical Pathology - General Specimen Submission Guidelines
- Surgical Pathology - Special Testing Specimen Submission Guidelines