Gynecologic surgeon Sandra Laveaux, MD, MPH, talking with a patient

Fibroids are treatable.

Our experts will support you in choosing the best treatment option for you.

What are fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are benign (noncancerous) growths in the muscle walls of the uterus. Also called leiomyoma or myoma, fibroids can be as small as an apple seed or as big as a grapefruit — sometimes even bigger. Fibroids may occur individually or as a cluster. They often increase in size and frequency with age, but may shrink slightly after menopause.

At the Center for the Advanced Treatment and Research (CATeR) of Uterine Fibroids, we create personalized care and treatment plans designed to:

  • Remove fibroids
  • Shrink fibroids
  • Manage and treat fibroid symptoms

Whether your symptoms are mild and manageable or you’re in urgent need of relief, our experts at the CATeR Fibroid Center are ready to help.

About Uterine Fibroids

Life-Changing Care That’s Integrative, Not Isolated

We understand that having fibroids is more than heavy bleeding and painful cramps and can sometimes impact your health in more complicated ways. At the CATeR Fibroid Center, our team often partners with other University of Chicago Medicine experts to design treatment plans specific to your unique combination of health challenges, including:

Coping with Fibroid Symptoms and Treatment

Treating symptoms is important, but we also believe in thinking more broadly about how fibroids impact your life and how our experts can help. From managing pain, heavy bleeding and other symptoms to understanding and making treatment decisions, having fibroids can contribute to stress, anxiety and depression, taking a toll on your overall mental health and wellbeing.

At the CATeR Fibroid Center, we collaborate with psychologists, psychiatrists and vetted resources to offer counseling services and social support. Maintaining your mental health and wellness is a crucial component to successfully managing and treating your uterine fibroids.

Request an Appointment

We are currently experiencing a high volume of inquiries, leading to delayed response times. For faster assistance, please call 773-702-6118 to schedule your appointment.

If you have symptoms of an urgent nature, please call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately.

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